How to Become an Astronaut in BitLife: Complete Guide & Tips (2025)

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Co-authored byHannah Dillon

Last Updated: February 19, 2024Fact Checked

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Are you trying to become an astronaut in BitLife? BitLife is a life simulation game where you can be anything—but with an update in May 2023, how you become an astronaut got a huge overhaul. In this article we'll teach you the most reliable way to become an astronaut in BitLife and all the steps you need to follow.

Things You Should Know

  • To access the astronaut career, you must have the Astronaut Job Pack or Boss Mode perk purchased from the BitLife Marketplace.
  • Make sure to keep your Smarts and Health stats high to become an astronaut.
  • If you can't complete the space mini-game that is required for certain tasks, you can skip it by watching an ad.


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  1. 1

    Start a game with a smart character who lives in a country with a space program. In order to become an astronaut, your character must live in one of the following countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Poland, Russia, the United Kingdom, or the United States.

    • If you end up getting a character who is lacking in smarts or lives in the wrong country and you don't want to re-roll, you can change this later by doing activities to increase your smarts or by emigrating to a new country later in life.
    • For best results, it's better to start with a character that lives in the right country but has a lower smarts score.
    • You don't need God Mode to become an astronaut, but you do need to purchase the "Astronaut Job Pack" for $4.99 or the "Boss Mode" perk for $14.99 in the BitLife Marketplace to unlock the astronaut career path.[1]
  2. 2

    Attend Space Camp. Progress the game until your character can attend Space Camp, then ask your parents if you can go. If they say no, you can try asking again whenever you age up.

    • You can ask to go to Space Camp by going to the Activities menu and selecting Mind & Body > Space Camp.
    • The age at which you can attend Space Camp may differ depending on what country you live in, though most countries will let you attend Space Camp by or before you turn 14.


  3. 3

    Age up until your character enters high school. Once your character is in high school, sign up for activities that can increase your chances at getting a scholarship and that will help maintain your Health and Smarts stats.

    • Sign up for the Academic Decathlon Club, Astronomy Club, Robotics Club, or Science Club and/or join the Brainy or Nerdy Clique to increase your chances of getting a general scholarship to university and to maintain your Smarts.
    • Join a sports team to increase your chances of getting an athletics scholarship to university and to maintain your Health.
    • If you live in a country that has free university (such as Australia), you don't need to worry about getting a scholarship.
  4. 4

    Start increasing your Smarts stat, if necessary. If your Smarts aren't very high, there are a few things you can do to increase it. If you get a Smarts boost, tap it for +16 to your Smarts. Otherwise, do any of the following Activities:[2]

    • School > school name > Study Harder
    • Mind & Body > Book, Garden, Library, and/or Memory Test
    • Make smart decisions when asked to make a choice in an event
  5. 5

    Maintain a high Health stat. In addition to being smart, your character must be in good shape to be an astronaut. If you get a Health boost, tap it for +30 health. Otherwise, do any of the following Activities (note that some of these options are not available to students):[3]

    • Mind & Body > Diet, Garden, Gym, Martial Arts, Meditate, and/or Walk
    • Salon & Spa > Massage
    • Doctor > cure an illness or ailment
  6. 6

    Get a part-time job. Becoming an astronaut takes a lot of money, so you should start saving up as soon as possible. Your character can get some part-time jobs or freelance gigs as early as age 13.

    • Be sure to maintain your character's stress levels. If your character is in school, has a job, and is participating in activities, they may get too stressed which can negatively affect their health.
    • You can also get money as a teenager by asking your parents (though how much you get can vary greatly, or they can say no) or getting an inheritance if a parent dies.
  7. 7

    Attend university after graduation. Continue aging your character up (while focusing on your Health and Smarts stats) until they graduate, and then attend university.

    • Select a STEM major to study, such as Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Information Systems, Mathematics, or Physics.
    • If you get rejected for university, try going to community college first.
    • Just like high school, sign up for science-based extracurricular activities and join the Brainy or Nerdy Clique.
    • Maintain a part-time job while in university so you can keep saving money for future expenses.
  8. 8

    Take 40 hours of flight school lessons. Go to Activities > Licenses > Flight School and select Take 10 hours of lessons. You'll need to do this four times to have enough hours to attempt to get your pilot's license.

    • The cost of flight school varies by country, but it costs a couple thousand dollars if your character lives in the United States.
  9. 9

    Get your pilot's license. After completing 40 hours of flight school, go to Activities > Licenses > Pilot's License. If you fail the test you can attempt again, but each attempt will cost you money.

  10. 10

    Apply to Space Academy. Tap Job > Special Careers > Astronaut > Space Academy to apply. The cost of Space Academy varies by country, but in the United States it costs just over $27,000.

    • If you can afford to pay with cash, you can do so, but you can also apply for a scholarship, apply for a student loan, or ask your parents to pay.
    • In addition to having high Health, high Smarts, a STEM degree, and a pilot's license, you need a clean criminal record to be accepted into Space Academy.
  11. 11

    Complete Space Academy. Space Academy takes two years to complete, but you must make your Space Academy performance bar green before the two years are up to graduate. You can increase your Space Academy performance by completing the following activities in the Space Academy tab under School:

    • Fitness Training: You can select one of three training types (cardio, strength, and endurance). This training is the easiest to complete, but affects your overall performance the least.
    • Flight Training: You must complete a mini-game where you pilot a space shuttle through an asteroid field. If you touch an asteroid, you fail and your Flight Training is severely impacted. If you'd rather not do the mini-game, you can tap Hack the system and watch an ad instead.
    • Technical Training: You must answer a space-related question correctly. If you don't know the answer, you can Google them.
    • Repeat these trainings until your Space Academy progress bar is full.
    • If you end up flunking out of Space Academy, you can reapply and try again. However, if you focus on fully filling each individual training's progress bar, you should graduate with ease.
  12. 12

    Apply to your country's space program. Each country will have access to a different space program. After graduating from Space Academy, you will be prompted to apply to your country's space agency.

    • As part of the application process, you'll be asked another question from the Technical Training portion of Space Academy. If you don't know the answer, you can Google it.
    • After correctly answering the question, you will become an astronaut at the cadet rank. Progress your career by completing one mission a year, maintaining your health and reputation, and getting promoted to higher clearance levels.
  13. Advertisement

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      • There are five achievements associated with becoming an astronaut, but you do not get an achievement for simply becoming an astronaut. Four of the five achievements are chance-based. The only achievement that isn't is "Marvin," which requires you to go on a Martian Exploration mission (which is unlocked once you reach the highest clearance level of General).


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      About This Article

      How to Become an Astronaut in BitLife: Complete Guide & Tips (31)

      Co-authored by:

      Hannah Dillon

      wikiHow Technology Writer

      This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Dillon. Hannah Dillon is a Technology Writer and Editor at wikiHow. She graduated with a B.A. in Journalism from North Dakota State University in 2013 and has since worked in the video game industry as well as a few newspapers. From a young age Hannah has cultivated a love for writing and technology, and hopes to use these passions in tandem to help others in the articles she writes for wikiHow. This article has been viewed 16,201 times.

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      Updated: February 19, 2024


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      How to Become an Astronaut in BitLife: Complete Guide & Tips (2025)
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