answer for ''daisuki''? (2024)

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answers on suki/Daisuki/ashiteru/itsumo2007/9/19 08:23

suki and daisuki. suki is just a casual way to say you like something. Example you could say "hon ga suki," which is basicly saying you like the book. You can also say "suki desu" which is saying "I like it". Daisuki is a way of saying "i like you" or "i love you" but like you would say to your friends. Ashiteru means the same thing as daisuki but its taken more seriously. Like...if you confessed to someone you love them more than life. youd say ashiteru. Itstumo means always or forever. Just to answer some common q's. So if you have anymore q's about japanese feel free to email. ^_^ Ja!

by Brittneyrate this post as useful
daisuki2009/1/5 11:26

i am learning to speak japanese and i was under the impression that "Daisuki Desu" ment "i love it!"

because we were learning about food and such, so my teacher who is fluent in japanese was like "if you love the food, say (e.g) Gohan Daisuki Desu.

so i dont know...


by RoraSanrate this post as useful
...2009/1/5 11:35


Yes, "Gohan (ga) daisuki desu" means "I very much like the meal/rice," so you are right :) By the way, "gohan" means "meal" and "rice" as well.

"( suki desu" and "( daisuki desu" are proper ways to say "I like (something/someone)" and "I love/very much like (something/someone)."

But if someone looks you in the eyes and says "Daisuki!," without specifying exactly who or what they like, that can also mean "I very much like YOU!" = "I love you."

by AKrate this post as useful
both are different2009/1/5 14:24

- suki/daisuki= I like/really like

As the poster above said, it can be used for things and people.

You can say suki/daisuki when you have a crush on someone.

- aishiteru= I love

From what I have learned, it is a very serious and strong word Japanese will use with caution and not very frequently.

If you declare your love to someone you have a crush on you should not say aishiteru as it very strong and might literally scare that person!

It would be best to use suki! On the other hand, if you have been in a serious relationship for some time/are married and have strong feelings it would be correct to use aishiteru.

by gisbornerate this post as useful
...2009/1/6 04:57

When my boyfriend says it to me I just say "xxxx-chan (ga)daisuki" or plain "daisuki" back, but I have also said it in English.
And I have also replied with "Thank you" which might make some people confused/upset but he recieved it positively (it was meant postively)

I like the "Watashi mo" answer, I will use that sometimes too now.

by 2lbrate this post as useful
Aishiteru2009/11/19 06:30

Aishiteru means i love.
Aishiteru Rikimaru.
I love Rikimaru.

by Ami (guest)rate this post as useful
Well..2009/12/5 05:44

Well, Dai Suki means i like you very much. Suki, means i like you, because Japanese people do not usually say "I love you". It's normally changed to "I like you" Or "I like you very much"

by Bonnie (guest)rate this post as useful
Daisuki vs aishite iru2009/12/16 08:02

As many people said already, daisuki is not as serious as aishite iru. Aisuru is considered a very personal matter that many people do not disclose easily, and I think in a way it can have a different connotation than daisuki, because you can say daisuki to your friends or about food and things.

I don't know if this will help, but once in an anime, a sick friend told her friend who was taking care of her "anata ga daisuki." The friend replied "watashi mo daisuki" and then went on to think "but you don't love me in the same way I love you" (here she used "aisuru")

Hope that helps. :D

by Ayame-chan (guest)rate this post as useful
Re: answer for ''daisuki''?2011/11/22 01:25

Daisuki desu means I like you ,
Aishitiru means I love you
hope this helped.. ? x)

by Alyssa (guest)rate this post as useful
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